WeChat Packages
300 WeChat community promotions
- WeChat Promotions on 300+ communities
- Each community with 400-500 members
- FREE graphics and content creation
- FREE promo video
- FREE post on cryptochina twitter, channel and community
500 WeChat community promotions
- WeChat Promotions on 500+ communities
- Each community with 400-500 members
- FREE graphics and content creation
- FREE promo video
- FREE post on cryptochina twitter, channel and community
20+Influencers Wechat Moments promotions
- WeChat crypto influencers to create WeChat moment pushes for increased visibility.
- Wechat influencers post on their wechat moments
- Each influencer with 5k-20k following/contacts
- FREE graphics and content creation
- FREE promo video
- FREE post on cryptochina twitter, channel and community
40+Influencers WeChat Moments promotions
- WeChat crypto influencers to create WeChat moment pushes for increased visibility
- Wechat influencers post on their wechat moments
- Each influencer with 5k-20k following/contacts
- FREE graphics and content creation
- FREE promo video
- FREE post on cryptochina twitter, channel and community.
20 wechat influencers + 300 wechat communities
- WeChat crypto influencers to create WeChat moment pushes for increased visibility
- Wechat influencers post on their wechat moments
- Each influencer with 5k-20k following/contacts
- WeChat Promotions on 500+ communities
- Each community with 400-500 members
- FREE graphics and content creation
- FREE promo video
- FREE post on cryptochina twitter, channel and community